094 9860069
Kilgarriff Funeral Directors Ballaghaderreen
The Gibbons Funeral Home Ballinagare

The donation of human remains to Medical Science in Ireland is governed by the Anatomy Act 1832 and is overseen by the Inspector of Anatomy.

The use of human bodies as the basis of the study of human anatomy has been the cornerstone of medical training and research for over 400 years. It enables students to attain a mastery of anatomy unobtainable by other means. It allows surgeons in training to practice and evaluate their skills without risk to life. In addition, it facilitates research into the detailed anatomy relevant to new surgical procedures designed to improve medical care and treatment. Consequently, much of the teaching and research of our department is utterly dependant on the generosity of spirit of those who donate their bodies to Medical Science.

The general practice is to donate to the University nearest your normal place of residence.

The 5 medical schools in Ireland are: Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University College Dublin (UCD), Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), University College Galway (UCG), and University College Cork (UCC). Each University has it's own donation information pack which includes their registration form. Anyone considering donating their body to medical science should contact the university nearest their normal place of residence. People resident in Northern Ireland would donate to Queen's University, Belfast.

Recording your intention to donate your body to medical science after death in your will is not adequate; you must be registered with one of the 5 medical schools.